Illy E.S.E.舱咖啡机是完美的咖啡机,如果你正在寻找一种方便、紧凑、可靠的方法,使咖啡在家里。机器可以使用不善地ESE豆荚,豆荚会自动弹出和存储用于机器让你早上顺利。
与不善地酿造E.S.E. Pod咖啡机,您可以使用不善地的可降解ESE吊舱或任何其他ESE豆荚。这个咖啡机煮咖啡和浓缩咖啡lungo的能力,所以你可以改变你的早晨饮料如果你想。你可以很容易地酝酿成一个杯子,如果你打算添加牛奶拿铁或热水美式咖啡。可调杯座让你把一个咖啡杯壶嘴下你的咖啡不会飞溅或失去热量在酿造过程中。
Illy E.S.E.舱咖啡机紧凑,方便,易于使用。可以简化你的早晨咖啡常规而酿造机器,因为你可以使用ESE豆荚工艺你最喜欢的咖啡或lungo饮料。可调杯座和一个内部隔间持有豆荚使这极其方便机器用于任何一个繁忙的早晨,但仍需要他们的早晨咖啡开始一天的。
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The Illy E.S.E. Pod Coffee Machine is the perfect espresso machine if you’re looking for a convenient, compact, and reliable way to make espresso at home. The machine can be used with Illy ESE pods and will automatically eject and store used pods in the machine to keep your morning moving smoothly.
This espresso machine makes it extremely easy to brew espresso or espresso lungo. You can load ESE pods in the top of the machine, and the machine will eject the last pod used into a compartment in the machine. It will store 9 used pods at a time before you’ll need to empty the container, so you can brew an espresso every day and still have to empty the compartment less than once a week.
To brew with the Illy E.S.E. Pod Coffee Machine, you can use Illy’s compostable ESE pods or any other ESE pods. This espresso machine has the ability to brew both espresso and espresso lungo, so you can vary your morning beverage if you want to. You can easily brew into a mug if you plan on adding milk for a latte or hot water for an americano. The adjustable cup holder lets you place an espresso cup just under the spout so your espresso won’t splash or lose heat during the brewing process.
The sleek, compact design of the machine allows you to easily add this it to your current coffee setup, and the mostly all-black exterior will match almost any kitchen’s color scheme.
The Illy E.S.E. Pod Coffee Machine is compact, convenient, and easy to use. You can streamline your morning coffee routine while brewing with the machine because you can use ESE pods to craft your favorite espresso or lungo drinks. The adjustable cup holder and an inner compartment that holds used pods make this an extremely convenient machine for anyone who has a busy morning but still needs their morning espresso to start the day.